WARNING – DISTURBING IMAGES – Mavambo Leader Was Murdered
14 December 2014
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Warning -Images are of a disturbing nature.IN PICTURES – MKD National Secretary Liberty Mukwakwami who police claim was killed by a crocodile last Saturday. FULL STORY –

IN PICTURES – MKD National Secretary Liberty Mukwakwami who police claim was killed by a crocodile last Saturday. FULL STORY

3 Replies to “WARNING – DISTURBING IMAGES – Mavambo Leader Was Murdered”

  1. In a previous publication, you mentioned that he was with two other men when the crocodile attacked him, now you are telling us that he was murdered. The images pertain to murder but what do the other two say? Yes we know very well that you are very eager to uncover the culprit if any but let this not get you biased in your reporting because of the bond you have with Mavambo. Thanks

  2. Hapana chokuvanza icho ndokugona basa kauko kubudisa humhondi hweZANU vanonyepa munhu akavurawa neNgwena . Iwe unoda chakaipa chivanzike sei kana vanhu veZANU PF vachinyepa kutti munhu avurawa nengwena . Handivoni vuSatanist hwuripapi iwe mutendi isu sevanhu toda kuvona chokwadi hapana chinohlisa kana usiriwe wakavuraya munhu wacho . Isu tirikugwadziwa kuti maCIO eZanu pf atanga basa rawo ravakaita pana Nkala , Nabanyama , Ndira nevamwe . ZviripaChena semanhamba eGudo kuti ZANU PF yatanga kuriga chiribhani chavo makuseni ano kuzoti patinokwakukwira 2018 vazhinji vanenge vayeredzwa negwisi ZANU PF.

  3. Evil people, satanists reporters why are you showing these pictures of a departed man, our brother. You are so evil like your master the devil. Wether he was murdered or not it doesn’t matter, he has gone to Heaven. If he was murdered then those that did it shall face Judgement from The Great God Our Father Jesus Christ but please repent you people, ask for forgiveness from The Lord and go and get Baptised otherwise you shall all perish in everlasting fire for this kind of evil. AMEN Messenger Of God

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